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Connecting with History

A World History program that is:

Chronological Classical Literature-based

Connecting with History

Bring history to life for the whole family

Catholic. Our Catholic faith is central to all areas of our lives. Learning that the history of our faith is an integral part of world history will enrich your family's understanding of God's plan for the world.

Cathy Duffy Picks
Connecting with History is one of Cathy Duffy's top picks. Read her review here!

Chronology puts the events of history into proper perspective. History is a long story composed of many shorter stories which occur in specific times and places. Arranging your study of history chronologically promotes greater understanding.

When your children are interested and engaged their comprehension and retention increase. Learning from a variety of sources trains students to think critically rather than just digesting information fed to them from one source.

We use classical learning stages rather than grade levels. This structure recognizes the natural development of each child's learning processes. This also allows your children in the same stage to share books and work together.

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How does the program work?

Connecting with History is a four-year cycle.

History is studied chronologically, promoting understanding of the story of history as it unfolds through God’s plan.

Younger children join in at any point in the cycle. The family cycles back through time periods they may have missed.

Repetition reinforces learning and understanding.

• Students begin a new cycle older and able to study in more depth than in previous cycles.

What Makes Connecting with History Unique?

Connecting with History uses a unique approach to help each child recognize their own role in salvation history and God's purpose for their lives.

Salvation History
More than just adding in saints and Church history, we highlight God's plan for our personal lives along with His plan for the world. Each of us has a mission and a purpose - our actions affect the history of others' lives. History didn't just happen a long time ago, we are living it right now!

Family Learning

Studying the same time period together enriches everyone's learning experience. If you are not well-acquainted with history, you don't have to be an expert in history to teach your children - you will learn right along with them! Family learning also creates closer family bonds as you learn together.

Integrated Approach

We connect History, Geography, Bible Studies, Church History, Literature, Composition, Arts & Crafts, and more! Integrating subjects enables your family make connections between information that is otherwise taught in compartments. Connections build understanding.

Active Learning

Your children truly "connect" to history through reading, writing, discussion, research, memorization, and hands-on activities. When students are actively involved in their education, they learn more than just the facts of history - they understand history.

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Do you need help deciding exactly what you need? Download a Selection Guide

Select your teacher materials for your desired time period below.
Each program includes one full year of information and assignments to teach world and Church history, historical geography, memory work, composition assignments, hands-on activities, lesson plans, and of course reading assignments for our extensive list of living books. Each volume is for teaching all age levels!

Connecting with History Year 1
Year One: Old Testament and Ancient Cultures Before Christ
Uses as its focal point the Biblical history of the Israelites as the "chosen people" sent to prepare the world for the coming of the Messiah. Within this context, study the surrounding cultures of the Mediterranean world: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome - the seedbed of Western Civilization. READ MORE
Time span: Early world through 63 B.C.
This lays the foundation for your history studies.
We strongly recommend you begin here.
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Connecting with History Starter Guide New to the program? You'll need the Connecting with History Starter Guide.
This one-time purchase is your introduction to how the program works and how to understand history using Catholic principles. Get off to a great start and learn the nuts and bolds of using Connecting with History!
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Connecting with History Year 1
Year Two: New Testament and Early Medieval
An in-depth study of the New Testament and Early Church history within the context of the Roman Empire, this volume emphasizes the life and death of Christ as the turning point of history. We follow the birth and spread of the Church as the Body of Christ, its perseverance, and its growth through persecutions and invasions. The blood of the martyrs truly is the seed of the Church which springs forth, creating new nations and replacing the Roman Empire with the Holy Roman Empire. READ MORE
Time span: 63 B.C. through 12th century
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Connecting with History Year 1
Year Three: High Medieval through Post-Reformation
Picking up where Volume Two leaves off, we move into the High Medieval period. This time period is probably the most misunderstood and maligned eras in history. Yet the "Middle Ages" produced some of the most inspiring saints, beautiful cathedrals, paintings, sculptures, and literature, as well as scientific discoveries and inventions that endure to this day. This volume also provides numerous opportunities to learn the truth about the role played by the Church in these fruitful centuries, as well as the tragedy of the Reformation and its aftermath. READ MORE
Time span: 13th century through mid-18th century
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Connecting with History Year 1
Year Four: American History
Study American History with a unique focus on the contributions of Catholic individuals and the Church. If you thought you knew all about American history, you'll be surprised by how much you didn't know - and how much is left out of most history books! READ MORE
Time span: 15th century through early 20th century
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Got your teacher materials? Now pick your student books! Browse our curated selections of living books! Choose one-click book packages for each age level, or customize your own selections.

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