Storytellers Version of Pharaohs and Queens of Ancient Egypt [CD]
Storytellers Version of Pharaohs and Queens of Ancient Egypt [CD]
Beginner/Grammar Levels Literature
Price: $16.95
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From roaring battles to whispered court intrigue, from desert wastelands to luxurious palaces, Jim Weiss leads you through a civilization fifty centuries old, spinning vivid stories of remarkable rulers (Hatshepsut, Akhenaten, Ramesses II and more), the Nile River that made it all possible, and the thrilling discovery of King Tutankhamun's treasure-laden tomb.

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Stories on CD January 30, 2022
Reviewer: Sarah T from Hudson, WI United States  
Or family enjoyed listening to Jim Weiss’s retelling of stories of ancient Egypt. Tracks included stories on how important the Nile was to Egyptian life, Akhenaten and Nefertiti, Hatshepsut, and Tutankhamen.  I really liked how he laid out context for the people he was talking about.

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